
How Many Cryptocurrency Millionaires and Billionaires Exist? A Comprehensive Report on Crypto Wealth

Explores the number of global crypto users, millionaires, and billionaires while also diving into the countries that are leading the crypto-revolution.

Get a glimpse into where you stand in this modern gold rush!

Unveiling the Crypto Wealth Report

On September 5, 2023, London-based investment migration consulting firm Henley & Partners released the "Crypto Wealth Report," a comprehensive study on wealth accumulation through cryptocurrency.

The report presents intriguing statistics on the number of global cryptocurrency users, the number of millionaires and billionaires in the sector, and also unveils an index measuring the adoption rate of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology by country.

Global Cryptocurrency User Base

As of June 30, 2023, the estimated number of cryptocurrency users globally stands at about 425 million.

This number represents the total number of individuals who own any form of cryptocurrency, including Bitcoin, which is held by approximately 210 million people.

It's important to note that individuals might use multiple wallets, so the actual number could be lower than reported.

The Number of Crypto Millionaires and Billionaires

The report breaks down the number of millionaires holding over $1 million in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies into three different categories.

Number of Crypto Millionaires

Around 88,200 people own cryptocurrencies valued at over $1 million, whereas the number of Bitcoin millionaires specifically is reported to be around 40,500.

Number of Centi-Millionaires

The report shows that only 182 individuals own more than $100 million in cryptocurrencies in general, and 78 in Bitcoin specifically.

Number of Billionaires

A mere 22 individuals own more than $1 billion in cryptocurrencies overall, with just 6 of them being Bitcoin billionaires.

Adoption Index of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology

The adoption index ranks countries based on a comprehensive score that includes general adoption rates, infrastructure development, innovation and technology, regulatory environment, economic factors, and tax incentives.

The top three countries, according to the comprehensive evaluation, are Singapore, Switzerland, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Countries that received high ratings in cryptocurrency-related taxation include Singapore, UAE, Hong Kong, Mauritius, Monaco, Antigua and Barbuda, Malaysia, Namibia, and Switzerland.

To get the full details of the report, you can visit the "Crypto Wealth Report".

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