scamの検索結果 55 件

Beware of Fake Phantom Wallet Scam Apps on Apple App Store


Discover the dangers of fake Phantom wallet apps on Apple’s App Store. Learn how to identify fraudulent apps and protect your cryptocurrencies.

CoinGecko Warns of Customer Data Breach: Be Cautious of Airdrop and Phishing Scams

2024/6/10    ,

CoinGecko warns users of a data breach involving over 1.9 million records from GetResponse, urging caution against phishing and airdrop scams.

Beware of Scams Riding the Popularity Wave of SHIB: Alerts from "The Daily Shib"

2024/4/23    ,

Discover essential safety tips from "The Daily Shib" on avoiding SHIB-related airdrop scams. Learn how to protect your cryptocurrency assets from potential theft.

"I Love Bitcoin, Though It Might Be a Scam," Says Robert Kiyosaki in a Candid Q&A Session

2024/3/27    ,

Discover Robert Kiyosaki's candid views on Bitcoin, fiat currencies, and the potential for fraud in this comprehensive Q&A session. Learn why he remains bullish on BTC despite acknowledging its risks.

Apple Co-Founder Wins Lawsuit Against YouTube Over Cryptocurrency Scam Videos


Discover how Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak won a crucial lawsuit against YouTube for using his image in cryptocurrency scam videos, marking a significant victory against online fraud.

Eternl v1.12.0: A Cardano Wallet Update Featuring Scam Alert Capabilities

2024/3/20    ,

Discover the latest update of the Cardano wallet, Eternl v1.12.0, which introduces a scam alert feature, Eternl Guard, to enhance security for users. Available now for download.

BitForex Cryptocurrency Exchange Inaccessible: Suspicions of Exit Scam Arise

2024/2/27    , ,

Discover the unsettling events surrounding BitForex, where $56.5 million vanished and the site went dark, fueling fears of an exit scam in the cryptocurrency world.

Trezor Customer Data Breach: A Call for Vigilance Against Phishing Scams


Learn about the Trezor customer data breach and the importance of vigilance against phishing scams targeting cryptocurrency wallet users.

Beware of New Cryptocurrency Scams Using Fake News and Phony Websites

2023/10/27    ,

Beware of a new type of cryptocurrency scam that uses fake news and counterfeit websites to lure users into losing their assets. This article details the tactics employed by scammers and offers precautionary measures to safeguard against them.

Elon Musk Says "Fiat Currency is a Scam"

2023/10/3    ,

Discover why Elon Musk and other influencers are criticizing the traditional fiat currency system. Is this a signal for a shift towards cryptocurrencies? Dive into the debate with our in-depth article.