
Beware of Malware Stealing Cryptocurrency from Gamers | Are Cheaters the Target?

As VX-Underground reveals, malware exploiting gamers' weaknesses is on the rise, causing significant cryptocurrency losses.

Learn how cheaters using paid services in games like Call of Duty are unknowingly putting their digital assets at risk, highlighting the ever-present need for heightened cybersecurity measures in the gaming community.

Rising Malware Threats Aimed at Paid Cheat Users in Popular Games

It has come to light that gamers using paid cheats in popular games like Call of Duty are falling victim to malware, resulting in the theft of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (BTC).

The malware research group "VX-Underground" has reported an increase in malware targeting gamers who use paid cheats over the past few days, with victim reports on the rise since the first case was identified.

Cryptocurrency Losses Begin to Surface

According to VX-Underground, a very large number of accounts are currently affected by this malware, and the number of accounts affected as of March 28, 2024 is reported as follows

Account Number of accounts affected 3,662,627
Activision 561,183
Elite PVPers 117,366
UnknownCheats 572,831
PhantomOverlay 1,365

Although details of the incident are not fully disclosed, it has been reported that users who purchased paid cheats have had their personal information stolen. The cheats were reportedly laced with malware designed to steal personal information.

Regarding cryptocurrency outflow, affected users have reported incidents such as BTC stored in Electrum wallets being stolen. These reports suggest that "cryptocurrency outflow-related damages are beginning to be reported."

Reports of malware leading to cryptocurrency theft are made annually, and malware is circulating in various fields beyond gaming. Therefore, it is crucial for cryptocurrency holders to pay close attention to the management of their software and private keys to prevent theft.

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