
Unstoppable Domains Launches Instant Messaging Using XMTP

Unstoppable Domains has just unveiled its instant messaging system, leveraging the power of XMTP.

Now, owners of .crypto, .polygon, and other Web3 usernames can seamlessly communicate across a myriad of platforms. Discover how this innovation is reshaping the landscape of digital communication.

Unstoppable Domains' Announcement

Unstoppable Domains has enabled owners of .crypto, .polygon, and other Web3 usernames to send messages to each other across multiple messaging apps.

On August 23rd, as announced by Chief Engineer Aaron Quirk, Unstoppable Domains (UD) launched an instant messaging system for Web3 username owners.

Owners of .crypto, .wallet, .polygon, and other UD registered usernames can now send messages to each other across most apps using XMTP. This includes UD's iOS app, website, Coinbase Wallet, and apps from the Lens protocol, such as Lenster and Buttrfly.

It was revealed that UD's Android version would not offer messaging at launch but plans to introduce this feature soon.

The New Messaging Integration

This new messaging integration relies on the Extensible Messaging Transfer Protocol (XMTP), an independent protocol that encrypts messages fully before sending them to the recipient.

This means that even if UD ceases operations in the future, the messages will remain accessible. The announcement stated, "Whatever happens to Unstoppable, your messages will be stored and accessible to you."

The History of Web3 Usernames

Web3 usernames have been around since 2017. They allow crypto users to associate their long, cryptic addresses, which represent their accounts, with more memorable names. For instance, the hard-to-remember "0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045" becomes simply "Vitalik.eth".

Historically, these crypto usernames were primarily used for receiving payments. However, several projects are now expanding their utility to include other applications, including messaging.

For example, Coinbase Wallet launched its instant messaging system on July 12th, allowing users to send messages to each other via .eth or usernames. Thanks to shared use of XMTP, Coinbase Wallet's feature was also integrated with the Lens social media protocol.

However, this shared system was not extended to usernames registered through Unstoppable Domains ending in crypto or polygon. According to Quirk's announcement, this issue has now been resolved.

Users of the Lens app and Coinbase Wallet can now send messages to each other using Unstoppable Domains usernames, among other methods.

Quirk also mentioned that the company plans to release an integration with the Push Protocol soon, allowing username owners to register to receive notifications from Web3 projects. These projects will be able to send messages to users via the Unstoppable Domains website and app.

On April 26th, Unstoppable Domains partnered with Binance.US, allowing users to register names ending in BinanceUS.

Then, on July 17th, a truce was reached with the Ethereum Name Service (ENS), allowing ENS's .eth names to be sold on the UD store for the first time.
